Educational games

There is a modern paradigm in which digital games are seen as a negative element for the development of children and teenagers.

Of course, unsupervised exposition to screens and video games can be harmful for the little children in a variety of ways, especially if the games they are exposed to are violent, uninstructive ones. 

Luckily this can be prevented with the proper supervision of parents and representatives.

In the past, learning used to be harder due to a lack of elements to captivate the attention of little children, but thanks to digital resources, it can be easier, funnier and effective.

In this post we will share with you the 5 key benefits of Game-Based learning. However, we recommend game-based teachings as a complement to traditional education and not as the primary source of learning.

Develops the memory

Children have an innate large memory capacity. However, these abilities can drop by growing up if there are not enough activities to develop it.

That's why games like memory are an excellent alternative, since these can challenge the little children's memory through positioning and sequences, helping to improve their natural capacities.

memory flashcards

Increases problem-solving capacities

There are few things that improve the problem-solving capacities of kids as effectively as games.

Children use to get easily challenged and they seriously commit to beat every single brain teaser for the sake of fun and accomplishment.

Logic games are an extraordinary way to develop their problem-solving aptitudes since these games require to think quickly and two steps ahead in order to beat the challenge. 

This is excellent to make children think more logically overall and to help them make good and reasonable choices.

logic games

Improves attention problems

The scientific community has conducted different research on how math games can help improving the attention of children with Attention-deficit Hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

In 2020, The Lancet released a research where it was found that kids with ADHD who played certain videogame displayed an important improvement on the neuropsychological test TOVA (Test of Variables of Attention), proving that games, specially those oriented in the solving of problems, can help as treatment for attention problems.

Increases learning speed

Sometimes traditional education methods can't capture the interest of children, especially if they are being taught in a way they find boring or tedious.

Educational videogames can boost their motivation by breathing life to every lesson, making it enjoyable and thrilling, not to mention that it will speed up their learning pace and allow to advance faster in their education process.

Develops strategic and coordination skills

By playing certain games, children can develop strategic and coordination abilities. 

The use of a keyboard or gamepad combined with the visual attention required by the game, especially if it is related to logic, math or spatial abilities, will not only help them improve their accuracy and chances to beat every challenge but also finding different paths to it.

strategic games


Videogames can definitely be a positive aspect in the learning process of children, especially on those with attention disorders. 

Not only because it will help in the development of the child's natural aptitudes but because it will make the learning attractive for them. 

Sometimes when teaching, parents, representatives and professors tend to make seem the tasks presented to the child almost as a punishment, driving them away from an organic and healthy curiosity for knowledge.

Vigilance, patience and a lot of involvement is required from the parents in order to take advantage of video games, making sure these are truly educational and fun and, of course, taking care of the screen time.